06 November 2024
What to Expect During Your First Year in a New Build
Moving into a new home is exciting, especially when it’s a brand new property and you’re the first owner. There are a few things to look out for during your first year in a new build home, as the building dries out and settles.
In this guide, we’ll take you through what to expect in your new build home.
You’re both “settling”
It’s a brand new home, so why are there little cracks and bulges appearing? Don’t worry about any minor (and easily fixable) flaws, as these are a perfectly normal stage in a new build’s life cycle. This is because while you’re settling into your new home, the house itself is also settling.
All new buildings “settle”. They’re shifting their weight downwards, which can move the foundations slightly meaning, you’ll probably notice a few hairline cracks.
At the same time as it’s settling, your new home is also drying out. Its building materials have been exposed to the elements during construction (just picture the British winter weather…) and these now need time to gradually dry.
It generally takes between 9 and 12 months for a new build home to settle and dry completely. Exactly how long depends on the time of year, the local terrain and what materials were used. We will be able to give you a more accurate idea.
Things to look out for while a new build settles
Here are a few things you might spot as your new house settles.
Shrinkage in a new build
Shrinkage happens when the building materials contract as they dry out, causing hairline cracks (typically in weaker spots around windows and doors). These are rarely of structural significance; however, if you spot a crack that’s wider than 5mm, ask your builder to check it out. You might also notice “nail pops”. These are raised lumps on walls and ceilings, which again are caused by shrinkage as the timber and plaster dries out.
Efflorescence in newly built homes
The white deposits you see on both internal and external walls are simply salts that rise to the surface as your new home dries out. You can wipe them away easily, and they should lessen with time. If the efflorescence continues, speak to your builder as it could be a sign that water is getting in somewhere.
New build condensation
A building is more prone to condensation when it’s new and still drying out. This can be one of the more frustrating parts of moving into a new build home, but it can be managed easily with good ventilation. Your new Tilia home will have effective extractor fans in the bathrooms and kitchens, which will also help.
How to help your new build home settle
There are a few simple measures you can take to make sure your new home settles successfully.
● Keep your home at an even temperature. Turning up the heat may feel like the obvious way to speed up the drying process, but fluctuations are more likely to increase shrinkage. Try to keep the heating pleasantly warm and steady
● Good airflow helps to ventilate the building and help it dry. It also cuts down on condensation. Open your windows to encourage airflow
● In the winter, you might prefer to open the trickle vents rather than the windows: you’ll still get a healthy airflow, but it won’t feel as chilly!
● If you have any concerns that things like cracks and condensation are worsening or taking longer to settle than expected, speak with us
Decorating in your first year in a new build
Tilia Homes recommend not to decorate your new build home in your first year. The coat of paint applied by your builder forms a special, breathable layer that allows the walls to dry out, while normal paint or wallpaper will form a barrier that delays or prevents drying.
Wait until your new build has finished settling before splashing out on statement wallpaper and paints in the latest palette. When it’s time to decorate, start by filling and sanding the cracks and nail pops for a smooth and flawless finish.
Waiting to decorate can feel frustrating, especially when you’re presented with this tantalising blank canvas. Other ways to personalise your new build home include changing the lighting, adding artwork and introducing your chosen palette with soft furnishings.
Holding off on the redecoration can also help you make the best decor choices. As you get to know your new home, you’ll discover things like how the natural light affects the rooms, which can make a big difference in how you decide to decorate.
Looking after a new garden
New build homes come with fencing and paving, and the front garden will be landscaped, but otherwise the garden design is usually left to the owners. Creating a garden from scratch is a really exciting part of your first year in a new build, although of course, what you can achieve in the first few months depends on the season.
It is important to turf your garden as soon as possible, otherwise you will increase the chances of water pooling and in some cases wash the topsoil away.
If you have a new lawn, it will take between six and eight weeks to be fully established. Try not to walk on it too much during this period, and leave any landscaping plans until the grass is happily settled. Find out more about caring for your lovely new lawn from the RHS.
Making a snagging list
When you buy a new home, you’re covered by a building warranty for the first two years. It’s important that you identify and report any teething troubles to Tilia Homes during this period. While things like hairline cracks and efflorescence are to be expected, there are a few other things to keep an eye on.
Make a snagging list of any concerns you have. Here are a few examples of things that you can check for your new build snagging list:
● All kitchen appliances and radiators work
● No leaks, drips or niggles in the sanitaryware
● Doors and windows open, shut and lock easily
● Lights and sockets all work
● Tiles are firmly fixed with no slips or gaps in the grout
● All detectors and alarms work reliably
● Any fitted furnishings (such as kitchen cabinets and wardrobes) are well assembled
Buying your new build home
When you buy a new build home from Tilia Homes, you know that you’ll be looked after. We’ll keep in touch with you to help you through your first year and be on hand to help with any snagging queries. Find out more about the help and support we offer our new build customers.